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burkert 8686控制按鈕

burkert 8686控制按鈕

產品型號: 8686



簡要描述:burkert 8686控制按鈕 Feedback device type 8685 and 8686-type control buttons can be used to optimize the integration of control valve 2036 is mounted on the type of Robolux pneumatically operated.


burkert 8686控制按鈕 Feedback device type 8685 and 8686-type control buttons can be used to optimize the integration of control valve 2036 is mounted on the type of Robolux pneumatically operated. Use DIP switches can be adjusted separay according to the drive size. In the compact unit, the device is suitable for receiving two single drive can be controlled independently of the automation capabilities.burkert 8686控制按鈕 Depending on the structure of a different level, including the use of non-contact switches and high-performance LED lights electron optical position feedback, pneumatic piston driven by the integration of the auxiliary valve control device and the AS-Interface communication interface. In accordance with Namur standards, the specification by using the corresponding isolating switch amplifier and valve control module with a free safety.  Thus, the technology can be realized throughout the common centrifugal automatic design apparatus. Compact housing has a hygienic design concepts, materials resistant to cleaning agents and corrosion protection (IP) meet the actual height and other characteristics.  In 8686 type on the control button, integrated air inlet filter to avoid the presence of coarse impurities in the compressed air supply system, to ensure the normal operation of the additional pneumatic switching function.

反饋器 8685 型和控制按鈕 8686 型可用于優(yōu)化在 2036 型 Robolux 氣動操作的調節(jié)閥上的一體化安裝。利用 DIP 開關,可分別根據(jù)驅動器尺寸進行調整。在緊湊式單元中,設備接受適用于兩個可獨立控制的單驅動器的自動化功能。視結構等級不同,包括利用非接觸式開關和高性能 LED 燈的電子光學位置反饋器,通過一體化輔助閥的驅動活塞氣動控制裝置及 AS-Interface 通訊接口。依照 Namur 標準,規(guī)格通過使用相應的隔離開關放大器和閥門控制模塊具有自由安全性。由此,可實現(xiàn)工藝技術整個常見的離心式自動裝置設計。緊湊式殼體具有設計符合衛(wèi)生理念、材料耐清潔劑腐蝕及 IP 防護高度符合實際等特性。在控制按鈕 8686 型上,一體化的進風口過濾器可避免壓縮空氣供應系統(tǒng)中存在粗粒雜質,額外確保氣動開關功能的正常運行。


  1. 非接觸式閥門位置檢測裝置
  2. 彩色狀態(tài)顯示燈(選裝)
  3. AS-Interface 總線接口(選裝)
  4. 符合 ATEX / IECEx 標準的規(guī)格



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